
Joined: April 28, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 107490

Comments Made on gaabywaaby96's Quotes

szilcabb14 1 decade ago on quote #1463903
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you guys are only dating, your not married. your not supposed to be the VERY center of his life. Your only supposed to be a big part of it. You can't expect him to be there for you all the time,
I've learned from this cause i used to do this ALOT so I know how you feel right now. But honestly you needa learned to be chill and just give him some space. But now since you guys are broken up right now maybe you should just try to be his friend right now. that's better than anything.
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eVilTwinnXX 1 decade ago on quote #1463903
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just happened to me too..
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