
Joined: May 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 174819

Quotes by getson09

                                 The moment when you realize ,
you love him. ♥

She said she wanted to get high    so he took her to the tallest hill in town. She said she wanted to stay up all night & drin k  so he gave her a 12 pack of pepsi and said , Drink Up." She said she wanted to shoo t  herself in the face, so he gave her a water gun and let her pull the trigger. She said she wanted to cut  herself, so he took a  picture of her face and let  her cut it up. She said she wanted to cry herself to sleep, so he had her watch a sad and romantic movie before bed. She said that she wanted to be alon e   so he gave her a name tag that said "Hello,my name is Alone." She said that she wanted someone to be there to take care    of her, so he asked when he wasn't   i  ♥
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Heres to that one boy
who brokeyour heart , tore you apart and you still love ; ♥

 every girl should be told she's beautiful until she believes it .

  s u m m e r

; it's when you fall in love with who you are ♥
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don't let your past                              
                   steal your present           

 how do you say goodbye to someone
who had you at
hello ?


it's easy , you don't because you've
already fell in

I only w'ish you knew  

 how much i loved you ♥


 -- nmf