
Joined: February 23, 2015
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 389856
I like to dance play guitar sing for music some rock and roll a lot of country for work I cut brich whips I am on salt water from time to time picking perwringles off the rocks I drive a truck I have a three wheeler I have two dogs it been very cold in Maine I work at a store I am a cleaner at night time 2:00 to 8:00 pm three days a week I shoot guns I love to swim in the summer time I take off my shirt and tan my back last year it was four dirrent colors of black I have dark hair hazels eyes a go t on my face I had cancer 4years ago make it though that three tatoos one earring .

Quotes by gmctruck

maine got over the 100 inch mark some time last week of snow i have ad a two much winter allready and it not march yet that petty sad