
Joined: July 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 196482
I'm staring out of my window
And the rain is pouring down
When you left, I was so low
But I'm not gonna drown

I don't need no shoulder
I'm gonna be a soldier
I just wanna feel somethin' I don't understand

I'm just gonna run right through the rain
I'm just gonna dance right through the pain
I just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart speak louder
Wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head

I, I am over overthinking of how to get you back
I'm checking out for the weekend
And I ain't going back

I don't need no shoulder
I'm gonna be a soldier
I just wanna feel somethin' I don't understand

I'm just gonna run right through the rain
I'm just gonna dance right through the pain
I just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart speak louder
Wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head

Oh, letting go
Yet it feel so good, so right
Oh, all I know
Is that I let my heart beat
Heart speak louder than my louder than my
Heart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my
Heart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my louder, louder, louder, louder

I'm just gonna run right through the rain
I'm just gonna dance right through the pain
I just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart speak louder
Wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head 


gocrazy1031's Favorite Quotes

They'll never understand. 

They'll never understand the hell you go through at home. 
They'll never understand how you fake a smile to get through every day, 
and they'll never understand how
truly hard that is. 
They'll never understand your self-hatred. 
They'll never understand how lonely you feel. 
They'll never understand how worthless you feel, every day of your life. 

And yet you're still here, in one piece. 
So keep fighting, soldier.

You're so much stronger than you think you are. 

When you finally realize you can smile and move on. It's the best feeling ever.



If you think about it...
One day you won't have to 'go to school tomorrow'. One day you probably wont see your friends every single day. One day you're going to grow old and forget about hald of the people you spent the first 8 years of your life with. One day some people are going to move far away. One day you and your best friend wont talk everyday like you used too. One day your 'young loves' wont be around anymore. One day life wont be as easy. One day your favorite bands/singers wont be making music anymore. One day all the things that made you happy when you was young, wont be round anymore.One day your parents wont be around anymore. One day you'll of forgot most of the amazing times you had with friends. One day you're going too be to old to do the things you used to love.One day life will change. One day you're going to regret wanting to grow up so quickly. One day life just wont be the same.

nmffff   f  

It's been a long day,
                                   YOU CAN'T BLAME ME FOR CRYING.
Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing, means absolutely everything to me.

I want to be the one
I want to be the one you always want to see.
The one you always want to be with.
I want to be the one you always come for help.
I wanna be the one you always ask for advice.
I want to be that person you can trust and tell me anything.
I just want to be the one in your life
and mean something to you.

I want to
wear your sweatshirt and hold your hand.
I want to be held in your arms,
and watch scary movies with you.
I want to talk on the phone until the sun comes up.
I want to watch the stars with you, and play
your favorite video games.
I want us to go on silly dates, and sneak out of the house.
I want you to watch chic flicks with me, and hold me while I cry.
I want to kiss you in the rain, and laugh until I can't breathe.
I want you, and I want you to
want me too.

When life knocks me down,
instead of getting back up,
I usually lie there and take a nap.


Don't ever look back.
Unless you're trying to not make the same mistakes.
Or, if you want to remember the good times and memories.
Oh, and except if you dropped something.

"The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow."