
Joined: December 31, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 143450

Quotes by hatersmakemefamous

Oh my god, someone jocked your quote. We're all gonna die. Not. I mean really? It's not that big of a deal. I think you should feel flattered that someone liked your quote in the first place. So calm the hell down.


You can't stop this girl from
falling more in love with you.
Cause baby,
she already tried.


The akward moment when: The guy you like talks to you and you say something so fricking stupid and your thinking to yourself, "Oh my god I am a fricking idiot. He is never gonna like me." 

But then theamazingmoment when:
He laughs his amazing laugh and says, "You are so 

The akward moment when: The guy you like talks to you and you say something so fricking stupid and your thinking to yourself, "Oh my god I am a fricking idiot. He is never gonna like me." 

But then theamazingmoment when:
He laughs his amazing laugh and says, "You are so 

You ask me what's wrong?
Well babe, 
You said you loved me, 
You made me feel special.
You were my whole world.
You forgot about me.

So, ya. 
That's what's wrong.


Am I the only one who
crouches down for like a minute
every morning trying to stretch out my skinny jeans
because when I try to 
walk with them on I look like a


& i don’t think you’re beautiful

i think you’re beyond it

imma new song

& you’re just a remix

h a t e r 

I <3 YOU