
Joined: November 26, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 58794
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Hi my name is Brittany. I am in 8th grade. I love my class. We have such a good time on the couch busses. I wish the rides never ended. I am a cheerleader. I  have been cheerleading for 6 years now and i am going to continue because i love it. I also belive that cheerleading is a sport. If you have a problem with that come talk to me and i can show you how cheerleaders are stong and cheeleading is most definitely a sport. I also play lacrosse I have been playing for 3 years and i love it.

People You should look at:
zgggymnast984: meagan
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oHmeGexiiTsxL3na............... lena
bubbly13: .................................brianne
laxislifeeexo23....................... amanda
VasisGymnast7710.............. Jenna
Quotes: 55
Followers: 20
Following: 39
Mood: ok could be better 

Two words


The greatest singer there is. he is better then the people who have been singing for 30 years and he is only 15!!!!

This is a little Bio of him if any of you guys want to know more about him! I know there is alot more that i dont have but you can look on his website www.justinbiebermusic.com

He is from Canada but he is currently living in LA. He is 15 and he turns 16 March 1st. His moms name is Dianna and his dads name is Carlos. His brothers is 10. he plays the piano, guitar, drums and the trumpet. He is 5'3 and had the body frame of a 10 year old. He is going to grow about another 5 - 8 inches and he should have a groth spurt soon. He also wears a size 7 in shoes. so he has small feet, but its ok.  He was dating some girl i forget her name but he is now single. I have heard that he had no time for a GF:( but does want one but wants to wait till he has the time to giver her the attention that she diserves. I saw on a web site that one of his friends said that all authentic profiles are fake. So just a fiar worning.

What i love the most about Justin isnt the fact thats hes super hot, even thoguht i do love that. The thing i love the most about him is that he has a beautiful voice and the fact that he doesnt let this fame thing get to him. He stays true to who he is. I love the fact that when i here him sing i can tell that he means what hes singing and its not just some old song. He knows who he is and he knows whats most important in his life and i love him for that. I have the utmost respect for him and wish him the very best ( what ever that might be) and i know there are alot of people who would love to be his girlfriend even though she isnt the right one for him and i hope he finds the right girl cuz he diserves it. Love you always<3

This is my first fan art!!!!! done by the amazing Emily A.K.A. emixu926

This was done by Gabby a.k.a. soccer4lyfe567

If anyone else wants to make me a fan art feell free to!!!!