
Joined: May 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 176626

Quotes by heypluralwannauniversity

@Ban_Annaa  Follow for a follow!
(Twitter btw;))
     Please watch and share.
Wikipedia is down...
Looking back on my old quotes and laughing, geeez, I'm so hilarious.
I'm thinking of making a new account...
Called 'A Stalker'...
And then follow loaaaaads of people...
So it would say, 'A Stalker is following you'
I stole her drumsticks.
She stole my heart.
Alice, you are the one for me, ma babieeey!♥

Alice, you rock my world.
Alice, my babieey, I'll love you through thick and thin you sexy beast.comic sansMS♥
Yeah, so yesterday my history teacher spent almost the whole lesson talking about how many times he goes for a poo, normal huh?!♥
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Or is it just no-one's faving my quotes? :')