
Joined: December 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 249374

hiiii's Favorite Quotes

Ilessonwertaughas songs,

my grades would be 100x better.




Best types of laughter; 
 Laughing so hard that your laugh becomes silent,
Feeling a 6 pack coming,
Tears coming out of your eyes..

this adorable thing where

nmq/format credit damntaylerx

It's because I like you, I don't want to be with you, It's a complicated emotion.

--Marlin (Finding Nemo)<3

we all know a

person who:

Posts pictures of

herself / himself


claiming that she's/he's

"ugly" so

that people will comment,

"No you're not ugly, you're

pretty, and smart, and etc...."


♦We all have that ONE person that's meant to come into our lives♦
Whether it be a bestfriend,boyfriend,family member, or whoever. 
They are meant to be in your life, because they are the one person in the entire world who is just like you. They love you for who you are. And, they understand you. They're always there for you. And, they will always let you know how special you are. 

Don't give up. You'll find that one person. 
I love you, bestfriend. Thank you for always being there for me. When no one else ever is. <3


Scars don't heal when you keep,

format credit to; idance. ♥

That annoying kid
who yells;
while singing happy birthday.



never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.