
Joined: February 13, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 20696
mi name is Casie like KC not Cassie my fav colors are pink n black i love my friends ta death i'm about 5'1'' sophmore. I love my boyfriend Andre'! i am who i am n proud of it! *- Casie-* i hope u like my quotes i went through sum stuff so i started maken them so i hope u like

Quotes by hizxofantasy

i got bois sayn mi name as
much as mike jones be sayn his!
i got dem bois goin akon
n singin lonely afta they
left me.....
mi guy is mine! my guy has brought a smile
ta mi face when no one else could mi guy may
have no clue how much he means ta me he may
kno i love him but he has no idea its as much
as it is i would do almost any thing for mi
guy mi guy is crazy n confusing but what guy
isnt mi guy does da dumbest things but again
wat guy doesnt but i love him 4 everything n
i would fall apart wit out mi guy i love mi guy
have u eva hid ur tears behind smiles....
when notin is right do u hide the tears
wit your smiles when ur parents jus wont
listen do u hide da tears when ur wround
ur friends n everything is wronbdo u smile
to hid ur tears well i do n its mi everyday
why dont they care when something
is actually wrong why dont they
jus listen to the words comn outta
mi mouth why dont they show wat
they really feel why dont they show
there feelings in anotha way then
anger why cant they understand?
no one knos wat goes on in mi head i could tell them all
the words to espress myself and they still woulkd neva kno
no on eknos wat couldpossible be behind sum of the many
smiles that appear o mi face every day they could neva
guess tha i could jus break down n cry no one kno the
feeling i get from sum things they may think im loven it
but inside i may be haten every moment of it they cant
always understand
you mean da world ta me wit out u i would fall apart. you
keep me up when im down. Jus seeing u or feeln your touch
or hearn ur voice makes everyting seem better. you will neva kno how much u really mean ta me no matter wat u think u
honestly r mi world and wit out mi life would be extremely
hard i jus wish u knew how much u mean ta me
**-**To Mi Once Good Friends**-**
-wat happend-we all oncer were togetha haven fun gossipin bout who eva when eva-talkn bout da hottest bois-doin da gurlie things we gurls do-wat happened- no u wct as if i no loner am here- you explanations make no sense-why tell me it is all good n not change anything-**-** wat happend **-**