
Joined: August 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 211928
made a new witty...

Quotes by howdalove143

I need a witty best friend,

someone who I can share all my secrets with,

not just talk for 2 days then stop talking,

I want a real best friend.

for life.

any takers?


Who wants to be,

my witty bestfriend?


I don't need a diary,
I have a best friend..

you can't talk because you're about to cry

Just wondering,

Comment if your a guy,

fave if your a girl, <3

If you asked me how I'm doing,
I would say I'm doing just fine, I'd lie and say
that your not on my mind


fave and ill write
what makes you gorgeous,.
favorite your quotes
follow you.

(( give you an honest rate.))
  and i promise you //////////
that this isnt for faves

im  just bored..