
Joined: December 1, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 340613

Quotes by iAlana

Army Greens
Chaper Six
River's P.O.V


I walked up the steps at a normal pase so Lex wouldn't think I was okay. Even if I was so far from the thought of okay. The laughter and slashing from the bathroom lift my spirts some, but the pain seaping out from my heart made it hard for anything besides the thought of him like a foggy day.

I slowly opened the door to find Mason towle drying Hadley's blonde curls. She was just perfect, I never thought I would find someone more perfect than Chance but since she was born she has proven me wrong. She was the perfect mix of us, my curls but they were blonde like Chance, she had his eyes but my nose, and big cheeks which nither one of us had. She turned in her little puppy dog towle and smiled at me.


She ran to me on those cute little 3 year old legs her little body jumping in my arms. I know I hugged her to tight but I couldn't help it, she was the last thing of his I had. Chance was the perfect daddy, she adored him with everything she had. "Momma you hurtin' me." She softly spoke into my ear. I losened my enbrace on her and looked into those eyes, his eyes.

"What 'ong?" She asked touching her hand to my cheek. I placed my hand on her tiny one.

"Nothing baby, lets get you dressed." I nodded at Mason and carried my baby to her room.

How on earth was I going to tell her? I sat her bed and went to her closet. "I want pink!" She giggled I grabed her favorite little outfit, a pink tutu, tights and a white shirt with."Daddy's little solider".

I clenched my eyes closed. Trying so hard not to let Hadley see me cry. "Lex!" I croked. She and Alexcia ran up the steps. I ran to my room, knowing Lex and Alexcia would take care of her, and locked the door. I fell to my knees. Not wanting anything else besides him. I guess karma found me. Why Chance! Why couldn't have been someone else! Anyone!

We shall always be together my beautiful love. Like we both said the day we got married, forever and always. The words he once spoke coming back to haunt me. I clenched my chest the pain growning so much. I crawed into bed, trying to think of the time I was happiest.

The week we brung her home.


Auothors Notes
Thanks for reading!
~Comment. Fave. Notify~

All Your Little Things
Kiara's P.O.V
Chapter Eight
*Please read authors note!*


"So what's actually going on?" asked Abby.
Katia sat up wipeing the sweat off of her face, looking tired
"First off, I am sorry. For ruining your party. I,"
she paused as if ashamed
"I can't dance!"
she half shouted it, she looked down and sighed
"There you go, I can't dance."
Abbys smiled an evil little smile.
"Oh honey we know you cant dance"
"Stop, Abby! That isn't nice!"
I said in a near shout.
"I know can't dance! But you shouldn't tell me!" Katia laughed.
Abby got right next to Katias face
"Ssssshhhh, your sleeping!"
She pushed Katia's head into her pillow with a small laugh.


Chads P.O.V

"Do you think Katia's going to be alright?" I asked the boys my voice evadent with worry.
"Well,on the bright side Abby danced... really nicely."
Liam said with a playful little smile across his face.
Louis gave him a look and pointed a finger at him,
"Touch her you die."
Abby and Lou? Or is it Liam and Abby?
I tossed around in my mind ending with having not a clue.
"I think we should call to check up on them."
Said Niall looking off into the distance with blank stare.
"You just wanna talk to that other K girl."
Zayn said looking up from his phone.
"Its Kiara!" Niall said in defendsive tone.
Everyone busted into a smile.
"I rest my case."
Zayn said once again looking up from his phone with a smile then Niall realized what he just proved and blushed a dark crimson
I grabed the phone handing it to Niall, with a smile.
"Go get her mate."
Niall waited for a second before taking it out of my hand.
He then dailed Abbys number sence it was the only number for them right now.
We all hushed and waited for an answer on the other line.
"Hello?" Answered a cheerful american voice.
"Hi," Niall said awkwardly he hadn't planned what he was going to say. Luckily.
Abby saved him.
"Hi Niall, I was just about to call you, Katia's feeling better would you like to come over?"
"Yes!" Niall half shouted "Sure." he covered sounding casual.
"See you in a few minutes." Niall said hanging up.
He pumped his fist in the air triumphantly.
I took the phone from him smileing
"Well that was real nice, you don't just shout it at her. YES."
I said mimicking Niall's voice in a high pitched tone, pumping my fist in the air.
We all headed back to our cars driving back to the hotel where the girls would be staying for a while.
I really really like Katia.
Maybe I could ask her out tonight..

I tossed the thought in my mind as I drove.

Authors noteooooo I really need to ask what you guys thing 'cause I'm at a cross road, do you like Lou and Abby or Liam and Abby better? I really wanna know.
~Thanks for dealing with me!~

All Your Little Things
Katis's P.O.V
Chapter Seven part two


"Don't y'all look amazing"
Chad said leting himself in, good thing we didn't like, lock the door.
"Sure Chad come right in!"
Abby said sarcasicly smiling at him.
He smiled back with that amazing british smile of his that made me want to melt. And his blue eyes so warm and inviting.
"I hope y'all don't mind I invited Chad to join us tonight."
The boys greeted Chad with open arms.
"We lets get this party started!"
Niall yelled opening the foor.
"Wait whos driving?"
I asked, I really didn't wan to drive
"I can take five"
Zayn and Chad both said.
"Whos riding where?""Don't y'all look amazing"
Chad said leting himself in, good thing we didn't like, lock the door.
"Sure Chad come right in!"
Abby said sarcasicly smiling at him.
He smiled back with that amazing british smile of his that made me want to melt. And his blue eyes so warm and inviting.
"I hope y'all don't mind I invited Chad to join us tonight."
The boys greeted Chad with open arms.
"We lets get this party started!"
Niall yelled opening the foor.
"Wait whos driving?"
I asked, I really didn't wan to drive
"I can take five"
Zayn and Chad both said.
"Whos riding where?"
"Katia, Kiara, Harry and Liam in Zayn's. Then me, Niall,and Lou in Chad's. Dose that work for everyone?"
Abby asked with her little problem solver attitude that always made me smile.
Everyone agreed and we walked down to the elevator.
We laughed all the way to the cars.
"Race ya Chad!"
Zayn yelled getting into his car.
"Not on my watch!"
Chad yelled back.
We all got in the cars and drove to the club, Chad won the race.
"I won pretty boy!"
Chad said mockingly, we walkled right passed the guard nothing asked.
The music was super loud.
"On to the dance floor!"
Harry yelled, Chad and Niall grabing Abby and my wrists pulling us to the dance floor, I started to panic I couldn't dance.
The floor was packed.
Kiara was dancing with Chad,  Abby was right beside Liam and Louis laughing and enjoying themselfs and I was sweating trying not to let Niall see.
"You okay?"
Niall asked, I looked away quickly trying not to make eye contact.
I don't know what to say,  I started getting very dizzy.
I looked up to see Abby's green eyes peering into mine.
"Yeah she just needs a drink. C'mon"
And she pulled me too a bar stool.
"Whats wrong? Are you feeling okay?"
"Can I get you ladies something?"
The young bartender asked.
Abby put her hand to my head and looked back to the guy.
"Ice water and a apple martini."
He gave her a wink and walked to get our drinks.
"Katia, you have a fever."
I moaned, awesome way to kill a night Katia.
"Hey why arn't you guys dancing?"
Zayn and Niall walked up to the bar.
"Katia has a fever and I'm taking her back to the hotle. Have you seen Kiara?"
They shook there heads.  And Abby handed me the water and quickly drank her martini.
"I'll take you back and come back for the other boys"
Zayn said.
I started to get really sick.
"Thank you both.  Katia can you walk?"
I started to stand but quickly fell back down.
"No. Not a chance."
"I got her"
Niall said picking me off the stool easy, Abby grabed my heels off my feet and we walked out.
"I'll text the boys"
Zayn said unlocking his car.
"No need Lou just texted me. There following after they find Kiara, Harry and Chad."
Abby said sliding in beside me in the back.
My cheeks were burning and my head hurt alot.
Zayn make quick of the ride and Niall carried me back to our room.
Abby helped me get into some sweats and I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed.

Abby's P.O.V
"Is she gonna be okay?"
Niall asked sweetly, it was only us two Zayn went to get the others.
"Yeah, just got a bit of something most likely the cold that was going around back home."
I said with a smile.
"Where is she? Is she okay?"
Kiara asked running in the door.
"Sssssh! Shes asleep,  she has a fever I think its what Roman had."
Oh yeah Roman is our bestfriend and my boyfriend of two years!
Thinking of my little marine make me smile.
"Well good. So I call a redo date."
Chad said.
"How about we check back in tomorrow to see how she is?"
Me and Kiara agreed and we said goodbye to the boys.
"Did they leave?"
Katia asked half in a moan.
"Yes, how you feeling darlin'?"
She turned to face us, her face had most of the color back.


Authors note:
Sorry I haven't posted, i've been sick :(
There Pjs :) : http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=68712303
Might post the eighth chapter tonight
~Thanks for reading!~

All Your Little Things
Abby P.O.V
Chapter Seven

"Going to a praty with 1D!  Pray for me;) "
I texted back to Shaina while trying to get my right earing in my ear.
When I heard a hard knock at the hotel door.
I bet it was the boys here to pick us up.
I did a quick check in the morrior,
I looked awesome.
They knocked again,  I bet it was Lou.
I walked out to the door,
standing was five very handsome boys.
As always I was right it was, Louis.
"Hello Amazing"
He said with that brillitant smile of his.
"Hey boys. Come on in"
I steped away from the door and they all walked in.
"Girls!" I yelled with the clicking of my high heels of the floor as I walked to thier room.
"Abby please help!
I picked up the pase and opened the door to find them both trying to get Kiara's hair out of the curling iron, but it clearly it wasn't working.
"Everything okay in there?"
Someone asked from the other room
I yelled back.
"Its stuck and its hurting!!
I did one quick pull and it fell perfectly.
I couldn't help but smile.
They both looked at me with daggers in there eyes.
"I hate you"
Katia said before walking into the main room.
Kiara looked me in the eyes and smiled,
"Thanks Abbs"
I smiled back and we walked arm in arm meeting the boys.
"Don't y'all look amazing"


Authors note:
Haha sorry last chapter was mean to be six and Louis P.O.V

Abby's outfit for this chapter: http://www.polyvore.com/abby_party/set?id=67234316
Katia's outfit:http://www.polyvore.com/katias_party_dress/set?id=67280384 Kiara's outfit:http://www.polyvore.com/kiaras_outfit/set?id=67234972
Okay sorry my moms making me give her the laptop :)
~Thanks for reading!~

Army Greens
Chaper Five
River's P.O.V

~5 Years Earlier~
My bestfriend in the arms of my boyfriend, making out with him!
I couldn't move but the tears came in a flood.
He saw me, his girlfriend standing in the door way looking at him kissing my bestfriend.
I was broken.
I started to breathe really heavy and started walking back into the hall, trying to grasp and what I was seeing.
"River its not what you think!"
He yelled jumping out of bed, knocking Gianna out of bed.
I ran down stairs with my hand over my mouth.
"What'd you do!"
Chance yelled at Tyler.
I didn't stop running for Chance's Ford.
"Please just take me home!"
I begged Chance just before hitting the poruch.
"I'll be right there"
He told me.
I didn't stop running, Tyler stoped running after.
I got in the unlock truck and hide my face in my hands and cried.
It seamed like forever until Chance came back out.
He got in and started the truck and pulled out of the drive.
I felt his gaze on me as he drove.
My body was jerking I held my knees to my chest and tried not to try. It didn't work.
"I truly am sorry but I dunno where I am heading dear."
"J-Just drive to Mockingjay o-on the south side of town."
My voice studdered and cracked but the tears were coming to a close, thankfully.

I woke up on the couch,  it was freezing.
I felt dry tears on my cheeks.
"Hey. Goodmorning"
Lex said coming into the living room.
"I think I'm gonna be sick, Lexie"
I started crying again
"Ssssshhhh Riv its okay, cry all you need. Alex will be here soon"
I just cried into her sholder for a few minutes.
"I gotta get Had up."
I started to get up,  but I saw the framed photo of me and Chance on our wedding and it started all over.
"Don't worry about it Mason already has got her up."
I cried for a little while longer then dedied that I needed to get ready for the day.
Lex let me go and I walked up the stairs.

Auothors Notes
Sorry! Sad and short chapter
Thanks for reading!
~Comment. Fave. Notify~

I need some help. So there was this guy Connor, my first love, it was a long distance relationship (His in New Hampshire and I'm in Kentucky) He asked me to be his girlfriend and it was good but he never tried to call me or anything. Then he started getting his depressiom back and he started well acting like a robot and taking 40 minutes to respond to one text but I let it side. But I just started getting sad and thiking he was mad at me and then we didn't talk for almost three days (It killed me). So I got bored and got on omegle and clearing stated that I was dating someone and just wanted to talk, so i started talking to this guy Randy. i didn;t think about thing about it I just wanted someone to talk to me, I gave him my number. Then I told Connor we needed to take a brake. He didn;t respond. Then Randy asked me to be his girlfriend, I just wanted to be loved and I said yes. I know it was wrong, But I just wanted a guy who loved me, But now Connor wants to work it out and Randy is just amazing and funny and a clutz and I love them both. So right now I'm starting over with Connor who I love and falling for Randy even more. I DUNNO WHAT TO DO! I don't wanna lose either one. I just dunno what to do, I thouht you might help..

please help witty
Hello wittian's,
Ummm i hate to ask but,
For anyone who is reading either one of 'All your little things' or 'Army Greens'
please comment saying which one you want a reminder for (Or both)
What i was doing has stoped working and I need a new way so please comment:)