
Joined: June 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 113457

Quotes by iJocker

One more thing,
 do not talk about the environment  .
  The    environment    is    not    sexy  .  
Do   not   talk   about   it.        [x][][x]
 - M a n n y ,                 D e g r a s s i  

oh, jockers, aren't you

                       Just so loveable♥                                      JK,

                                 Everybody hates you


hoose To Love : : Rather then Hate
Choose to Laugh : : Rather then Cry
Choose to Create : : Rather then Destroy
Choose to Persevere : : Rather then Quit
Choose to Praise : : Rather then Gossip
Choose to Heal : : Rather then Wound
Choose to Give : : Rather then Steal
Choose to Act : : Rather then Procrastinate
Choose to Grow : : Rather then Rot
Choose to Pray : : Rather then Curse
Choose to Live : : Rather then

   So,you don't really like me. . .
I  CA N N OT  
R E L AT E  :D  

When I was little...
 i used to think 
when it was raining, God was crying.
When there was thunder, God was coughing. When lightning flashed, heaven was having a wild party. When there was wind, God was blowing out his birthday candles.

Anyone else???

mine. no jocking.

miss when

we used to draw on each other's hands and laugh so
hard we cried////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////♥


:')  me and my best guy friend in 8th grade history..
god im gonna miss that...
when I wake up after dreaming about you,
my smile fades away
just like
my dream does.

you girls out there know exactly why ...

Has anyone else ever wondered...

do guys sleep in the same bed at sleepovers?

do they compare crushes?

do they stay up all night taking?

or do they just play video games or something?

do they help each other out after a girl dumps them?

or do they go with the "tough love" scenario?

has anyone else ever wondered?

Images of the people you've seen.

((The crackheads and smokers))

The ((c r a z i e s)), the ((j o k e r s .))

The quiet ones and loudmouths,

The kid that looks like a mouse.

The future award winners,

-x- The -x- possible -x- prisoners. -x-

The j o c k s and the .g.e.e.k.s.,

The ones who stand up and speak.

The goths, the preps,

The ones i-n-b-e-t-w-e-e-n,

((T h e o n e s w h o f e e l l i k e))

-x- They'll -x- never -x- be seen. -x-

The girlies and tomboys,

Those s.e.a.r.c.h.i.n.g for boy-toys.

The ((goofballs)) and serious ones,

The ones who know how to have fun.

The attention seekers and secret leakers,

((The student council's best speakers.))

All these kids, fit into one s-p-a-c-e,

The -x- smiles -x- of -x- the -x- past,
*****Frozen in place*****