
Joined: August 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 202944

Quotes by iLuvYuh02

One day I fell down, tried to get back up, some how i realized there's always going to be someone that would push me down, F that, i'm Throwing rocks Now ! x]

Our story was just like Romeo & Juliet, long story short our love died..


Listen Closely, You Might Just Hear My Heart Screaming At You! <3

Boy Gets Jealous Aw Cute!

Girl Gets Jealous OOH MY GAWDDD RUNNN!!!

Trying To Forget The Past is Harder, Than Doin Math! l:

No Matter Where I Go, No Matter Who I'm With i Always Think Of You Cause Baby You The Shhh- Lil Wayne