
Joined: May 16, 2007
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 45679

Quotes by i_luv_yooh

wait for the guy who
respects your decision
to wait for marriage, not
the guy who's saying " you
would if you loved me ".
wait for the guy who
takes you out to dinner,
and pays, not the guy
who says " oh um i
need you to pay cause
i forgot my wallet "
and wait for the guy
who says " i love you
so much " and means it
not the guy who says,
" oh yeah you too "
when you say it first <3
You lied to me, you let me down,
you turned this smile into a frown
& now you`re the only reason why,
I find it hard to sleep at night.
I`m feeling sad, feeling blue,
I think of the past times spent with you
& now there`s nothing left to say,
so I just turn my head away.
Having a boyfriend
break up with you and tell you
"We can still be friends"
is like your dog dying
and your mom telling you-
"You can still keep it" <|3
we`re not the perfect couple
we get into arguments
& go days with seeing each other
but our arguments last two minutes
when we see each other it`s magical
no, we`re not the perfect couple ..
just perfect for each other
i think of all those good times we had together
all the times we laughed and all the memories we made
and i w i s h we could have that back but then i realize u
treat me with disrespect, u act like u dont care and i just
dont understand how we could one day be in love and
then the next day were not
girl: i like someone..
boy: who?
girl: wait wait..i love someone
boy: can you tell me..
girl: yeah, but you can't laugh
boy: okay..i wont, just tell me
girl: it starts with y & ends in u
boy: i like that person too..