
Joined: October 18, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 129273


Quotes by iheartsoccer15

Cheating is not an accident...its a choice.
That's what us teenage girls do, go after the boys who treat us wrong; and ignore the ones who treat us best...

Yup Casey Anthony only killed her daughter..no big deal right? WTF honestly people.

I love when guys know somethings wrong♥ 
Why do you try to act pretty, because one day a boy will come along loving you for you.

-Wiz Khalifa

I asked him what his biggest fear was,
He said "losing you" ♥
10 months of school and 2 months of summer, not fair.

^i knoow its not pretty(:
Holding back all these tears, is a challenge.
Sometimes love isn't strong enough too keep two people together
Last night I heard
My own heart beating
sounded like footsteps
on my stairs