
Joined: June 8, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 306921

Quotes by illnevergiveup


    I finally made a new friend.♥

is not as
far away
as you
may think

             Last Week, My Best Friend Died.
okay, i'm not doing this for faves or to get sympathy. I made my witty to vent. Venting is a way I let out my feelings. I dont expect anyone to comment but if you take the time, much love.

                            It was just a normal, june day. june the 1st to be exact.
     It was my birthday, & I had just turned 16. I was having my party later that night. Of course, I did my daily things. Went to school. Me & her had lunch together. Oh && her name was Ameila. Ameila, went home that afternoon, in her car, cause she was already sixteen. She texted me when she got home, & we talked and talked about what to wear to my party that night. I told her I had to go, cause I had to get ready. I said my usual goodbye "Bye Best friend(: See you tonight" I wish  I had never ever ended that convorsation. I curled my hair, put on my party dress, & did all my party makeup. Guest were finally starting to arrive, Ameila was usually the first one there but I wasnt worried. I kept telling my mom that we couldnt start without Ameila. But It was already 7:30 so We had too. Later that night, We got a call, I answered. & That was the worst call of my entire life. It was Ameilas mom. She was crying. I asked her a million questions. "Whats wrong?" "Where is Ameila" "Is Everything alright"? She burst into a waterfall of tears & told me it right then "Amei-Ameila, was in a car accident on the way to your party. She was hit by a drunk driver, Ally. (My names Ally).. Ameila is Dead. Those words right there hit me like a rock. I fell to my knees, & hot tears came streaming down my face. I hung up the phone, & screamed. All my guest came wondering into my house. I was on the floor weeping, & shaking. That call changed my life. I learned that day, NEVER, EVER, take anything for granted. You might loose it on a day you never expected. 
If any one read, God bless & I love you. Xoxo- Ally.
Thank You Witty, for allowing me to write this.
Thank You, Ameila, for all those years of being my best friend, I have no clue what I would do without you. Now I know, I cant handle it. I feel like dying. Ameila, It should of been me, love. Your the only one who could light up my day, Thank you for that. Xoxo- I'll see you one day. It wont be long. <3
I just made my 1st Witty Profiles♥

    My Witty will mostly be me venting. I have gone through alot the last few weeks & thats why I thought I should make a witty.