
Joined: May 31, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 179064
heyy. My name's Nicole. But you can call me...Nicole. I'm not a big fan of nicknames other than Nicoleybear and Holy Walmart, but you're not allowed to call me that, only mah friends, sowwy!
I'm 14 years old and my birthday is 
 September 16th.
i am absolutely in love with Caleb Turman <33
ohsnapitslexa is mah bestest fwend, so do me a flavor and follow her <3 :PPP
single and forever alone
follow my tumblr: ijustwannamakeyouminee

I love lacrosse and basketball...but I'm more of a music girl ;).
I play guitar, piano, violin, and I sing.
I am 5 foot, half a foot taller than all of my friends.
I'm kinda not famous on witty at all. I think I ony have like, 2 quotes with only 20 faves...and it's not like, way over...they have like, 21 faves, soo...
Follow me and I'll follow you <33 (:

I'm sorta kindda in love with this guy, but I really don't want to be, and I don't know why, either...I hate him and like him at the same time. We fight in school whenever we're talking, and as soon as we both step into the same classroom, I hate him. When we leave, I'm in like with him again....he's cute and smart and tall and funny, but he's annoying, so I'm pretty friggin confused...advice?:P


of course(:  of couse(:o



Quotes by ilovecalebturman

I hate when someone e says they want  t o kill

they could be saying that to someone who actually wants  to.


My best friend is an inaminate object
Yeah, i have real friends, of course. And i have good friends. 
but there's only one thing that can make me feel better after a crappy day.
one thing that, when i vent to it, something great comes out.
one thing that i just love with all my heart. no matter what happens i could never hate it.

 my guitar
is all i really need in life. without it i'd just

quote by ilovecalebturman

Here's some advic e
never watch That 70's Show while drinking coffee
you will get itall over your guitar.

Yeah, some people are

g e t  o v e r  i t .


People at school are all like
"how do people listen to punk and screamo? it's awful"
 and i'm just  like
 we say the same exact thing.
about you and Justin Bieber.

quote by ilovecalebturman

I hate hearing the word 'cut'
it always makes my heart beat really fast and i get a little anxious.
just because i've had some
with that word.

quote by ilovecalebturman

I wish being in a relationship with soomeone made you fat instead of food.
then i would stay skinny forever.

quote by ilovecalebturman

I'm jealous of those people whose last names are real words

and when they type them in word..there's no red line.

and my last name is like sdfgahinjfekpoihrfvnbfgne...

He asked me out.

you know, in my mind.