
Joined: January 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 268354

Sooo I'm not sure what to put here but hmmm..

I luuuuvvvv volleyball =D

I'm super quiet when you first meet me and that comes off as mean but really I'm a nice gal just kinda scared to say hello =P

So say hi first =)

Once I know you I'll call you darling and hun and babe without thinking about it which definitely gives some guys a wrong idea haha

Yes, I am one of the millions of people who is trying to be cool and play guitar and keyboards but theyre mad chill intstruments so you should try them out

PS. I say awkward, mad, chill, intense, and gorgeous waaaaay too much so sorry =D

My new witty lalalala check it out bub its wonderfullllll =D


iloveyou08's Favorite Quotes

i walk into the school, like waddup i hate about every single one of you

Witty Profiles
Do you feel like you're a potato?, A cat person
No one cares about your imaginary relationship 
with a character from a book?
Well Witty Profiles is just for you!

Did you think that was a Ad?


addin"ish" to the end of words

when your describing something that your unsure about

If Howard Schultz gave up after being turned down by the banks 242 times there would be no Starbucks.
If Walt Disney quit too soon after his theme park concept was trashed 302 there would be no Disney.
If J.K. Rowling stopped after being turned down by multiple publishers for years, there would be no Harry Potter. 
One thing is for sure:
If you give up too soon you'll never know what you'll be missing. 
Keep going and NEVER QUIT.


                  I'm allergic to stupidity,

            so I break out in sarcasm.

You hate the way your hair falls, so you hide it in a bun. You turn up to school each day,
look around and feel outdone. You check your thighs constantly to see if you've gained
weight. You can't get to sleep at night because you're too busy fighting fate. You hate
your heart for beating and letting it cause you pain. You're so over being hurt, you
don't ever want to love again. You have to wear makeup to feel more secure. And
when you're asked how you feel you're never really sure. You hate to let people
in, you fear you'll let them down. You wear a pretty smile so people won't
know your frown. And when you look in the mirror all you see
is a broken mess. But, darling, when I look at you,
What I see is flawless

Rapper: I be f*cking all dem b*tches
Rapper: Smokin all dem blunts
Rapper: Gettin drunk every night
Rapper: F*ck all ya!
Rapper: *Gets an award*
Rapper: I'd just like to thank God.

When you make a funny quote and no one faves it..
Obviously they were laughing so hard they had  breathing problems and had to be rushed to the hospitial. 
1 likes:  Aw... I suck...

2 likes: Hmmm... arrgh...

3 likes: Okay... I guess...

4 likes: Pretty average...

5 likes: Better than nothing!

6 likes: Exceptional! 

7 likes: Pretty good!

8 likes: Good!

9 likes: Great!

10 likes: Cool!!!

*gets bored*

20 likes: I must be a rising star...

30 likes: This is... cupcake...
40 likes: Muffin

50 likes: Mini Pie

*peak of boredom*

500 likes: PIE

1000 likes: BIG PIE

1500 likes: CAKE

10000 likes: PIE CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my life
is like one big inside joke get it
because i stay insiide

format jimmy365