
Joined: August 25, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 87378
Snapshot_20090819_2.jpg picture by lAUR_x0
Snapshot_20090819_48.jpg picture by lAUR_x0

mallll.jpg picture by lAUR_x0

26-1.jpg picture by lAUR_x0
 my name is lauren.
cheerleading is a passion of mine.
i have about 6 best friends :D
but two of those are basically like my sisters <3
i guess you could say im halfway through middle school.
hate it.
im so sick of all the drama & how people dont ever grow up.
i can get really hyper, but when im pissed i show it cause i dont talk..
which is a really ab-normal thing for me to do, cause liturlly  will not go a day or two without smiling or talking.
so thats pretty much it,
aim me :]

Quote Comments by im_lauren_x3

im_lauren_x3 1 decade ago on quote #1049330
show buttons

it doesn on minee!@
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