
Joined: March 29, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 104777
Hello everybody! My name is Morton, as in Horton hears a who, but with a M. Morton. Dont make fun of my name, I won't make fun of yours, deal? umm.. My best friend Joel showed me this amazing site a couple months ago and I tryed getting one but it didn't work. So I tryed again and shabam. Morton's in the house of Witty.

- I am Morton.
- I will not change for you.
- Do not change for me.
- I work out 4 times a week for 2 hours.
- I need to keep in shape no matter the sports season.
- I play feild hockey, basketball, and soccor.
- My family owns a beach house down in Florida where we live from the months May- September.
-  I can be a good guy but then turn around and be the biggest jerk ever.
-  I have an older brother Brandon(19) whose a major player and taught me everything I know.
- I also have twin siblings who are 13. Tyson and Tinley.
- I have gotton my heart smashed too many times.
-  I am 15 and single.

Anymore I'll do later.

Comments by immadreamer34

immadreamer34 1 decade ago to _dominique
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my spring break sucks. yesterday it started & i had to go on a damn choir trip 2 this musical. sitting on a bus for 4 hours back aand forth on ur spring break on such a nice day blows.
but hey, the musical wasn't too bad but the food was the nasiest thing i have ever tasted or even looked at for that matter. puked all over the plate & all these old people looked at me like im not good enough to be there. then after that we went to the mall. I got a columbia hoodie & air jordan headband. sweet. but today, meeting up with Joel and going to his church for good friend. 2 hours long. :P
immadreamer34 1 decade ago to immadreamer34
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Read. Delete. Have. A. Good. Day.
immadreamer34 1 decade ago to ohdangitskels
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Gonna start making some qoutes.
immadreamer34 1 decade ago to _dominique
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so what r u doing?
immadreamer34 1 decade ago to helplessllyxbroken
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:) hi
immadreamer34 1 decade ago to KrazyxInxLoveexx33
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thanks :)
immadreamer34 1 decade ago to ohdangitskels
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I wont be that popular.
immadreamer34 1 decade ago to _dominique
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lol thank you.