
Joined: October 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 224136

Quotes by internetgeek

I want one of those;
Sweatshirt wearing, 
Cute picture, 
Cute text message, 
"Wow, they're still together?" 

You and I, a poem by me. Enjoy! 
Everything was great.

It was just you and I. 

Hand in hand. 

We're closer than we've ever been. 

We say nothing, 

We let our hearts do the talking. 

We get closer and closer... 

We almost kiss. 

But there's someting distracting us, 

A noise.. 

A beeping noise.. 

Like an alarm clock. 

Then, I wake up in a puddle of tears. 

What I thought was you and I, 

Was really just a dream. 

Young, Wild&Free 
That's my motto<3
I smoke Mary Jane cause being high is better than reality.. 
"You laugh at me because I'm different
but I laugh at you because you are all the same."- John Davis. 
I wish life was like Googleso I could deleted my history
"I think I still love you.." Made my day<3
You put your arms around me&I'm home<3
I don't hate you, it's just I wish your next period happens in a shark tank
Last dance with Marry Jane, one more time to kill the pain. <3