
Joined: November 11, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 237146

Hey my name is Hannah :) I love photography and music, I play the piano, guitar, I'm in the band and I sing. I love all kinds of music. I want to be a photographer when I grow up. (I've already started working as a photograper!I have my portfolio started already!!)
Ive been through a lot so if you need to talk to anyone Ill be here for you..pinky promise :) 


*In Your Arms*

istilldreambig's Favorite Quotes

someday, i will be strong enough to lift
not one, but both of us.

it's amazing what a smile can hide.
{mouse over}



3 Steps: Tying A Nuse

1)Look at that rope, string, or whatever else
you're planning on using to commit.
2) Honestly think about how things will be after you're gone.
Not just for others, but for yourself as well. People in your
life are going to be so deeply emotionally scarred that you've
gone through with such an act. They'll never forgive themselves,
but you know this. You're probably thinking, "Where is this girl
going? I've already seen this before one million times. I get it.
It's not making a difference." Well, stop thinking that, and start
thinking about this: How are you going to feel when you die?
Wait... what am I talking about. You'll be dead.
You won't feel a thing.
You're probably thinking it's a good thing,
not to feel anything. No more pain. No more sorrow.
Yes, you're right, it would be great not to feel hurt anymore.
But that's not the only thing you won't be feeling.
You'll never be able to feel the warm sensation of a hug,
or the butterflies in your belly when you get that first kiss.
You'll never get to laugh with your friends again.
You'll never get to feel your cheeks get hot from smiling again.
You won't feel full from all that delicious birthday cake.
You won't feel that amazing smoothness of your skin after you shave.
You won't feel that awesome feeling you get after a good night's sleep.
You won't feel anything.
You'll feel nothing.
You'll see nothing.
You'll hear nothing.
It'll just be a huge bowl of nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
Not satisfaction.
Not peace.
Not black.
Not white.
Not quiet.
Not loud.
Not anything.
at all.
Just plain nothing.
3) I'm assuming you're trying to imagine nothing. Hard, isn't it? Take another look at that potential nuse, and realize that's not what you want. Consider tying that rope into a death device, and then don't.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
It's not just about everyone else around you, like most
are making it out to be. It's about you, too.
If you pull through with suicide, you'll never get what
you're wishing for. You want to feel peace.
I hope you realize after reading this that
death won't achieve that for you.


Us guys have feelings too

Maybe not as strong

But they're still there

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
'Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch


Sometimes at night, something bad happens and I ended up getting upset/ mad. 
And then I know that I'm going to be in a bad mood the next day.
But then my friends make me laugh and smile, and all my problems are gone for that amount of time.
I have amazing friends. 
They can make me smile no matter what. 
I love them so much. 

♥   ♥   ♥

I don't care how much I suck at something.

If I like it,I will continue.

So shut up :)

If you're happy,

I'm happy.

Everybody has regrets.
It's Human Nature.

If you have someone special now
dont keep looking back on the one you had before.
because i promise you, when this one leaves
and you've got someone new
you're gonna regret  not paying more attention to the last one
.and the cycle will repeat.