
Joined: June 29, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 313237
My name is Jessica. I am teenager with problems, just like any other teen. I use to cut but that all ended, and I have JRAA. JRAA stands for Junior Rhumitiod Anklyiosis-sponilitous Arthritis. I got it in 5th grade when I was only about 9-10 years old.
My friend Kati showed me this site awhile ago and I already had a profile under IMQTJESSI but I guess it got deleted. Soooo I made a new profile.
I love to act, sing, draw, paint, take pictures, and of course write.
IF ANYONE NEEDS HELP OR ADVICE - I am here. So email me or even comment on anything or in anyway get in contact with me.

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