
Joined: August 28, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 87697

the name is jessica.
I am who I am, 
s#!& happens,
life sucks then we die.
you either accept it or deny it,
i accept it, 
so f@#$ it

jessekaa_95's Favorite Quotes

Trust the one
that's been where you are wishin' all it was 
was sticks and stones,
those words cut deep but they don't meet you're all alone,
and you're noinvisible,
hear   me   out,
 there's so much more to life than whayou're feeling now,
someday you'll look back on all these days
all thipaiigonnbe invisible.

We're young and in love,
Heart attacks waiting to happen,
So come a little closer, tell me it's all in our heads.

my smile was taken long ago.

*Sitting in the cinema watching Women in black*


Watching the scene, when the chair is rocking.

Me: why is the chair moving on its own?!?


hey guys
im gay
and i hope you can accept that
Try clicking ctrl + G while faving this quote!

Scary xD

>>>>>>> nmq


Try holding down the "Shift" Key,
While clicking the fave button:)

My teacher announced she was pregnant last week. 
  I was happy for her until I realized what she had to do to get pregnant.


I only swallow things that I like -Ratatouille