
Joined: July 9, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 115571
I don't like serious people. I'm not random you just don't think as fast as me. I love to have fun. Music is my life and I can spend 24 hours with my friends and still complain about not seeing them . Love you guys <3

That's me if you don't like it..... your loss :)

Quotes by juicecup13

I need someone new to talk to. To get my mind off of my life. Someone who will help with that, but won't ask questions, won't ignore me, and won't make things awkward.

My sister just told me Lil' Wayne is dead! I think she's wrong, but I'm not sure! Anyone know?!?

Dear boy I used to love,
Don't wait until I have a boyfriend that actually treats me well to tell me you cared about me and still do.
The girl who won't ever stop caring, and who now thinks about you too often especially because she has a boyfriend.


His best friend just told me he's probably been leading me on the whole tima and that I deserved better. Wow. the guy I thought i loved is a totaly douche.
We've been through so much. We have never even dated, but even if I get a boyfried he is the only one on my mind. Now I don't know what we are, and I wish he'd just talk to me like he used to and tell me that he loves how we're so different but we work so well. I just miss him. I don't know if I'll ever be over him, and he confuses me. He's different, but I'm worried we won't get the chance to see what we could be..... I just miss him <3
Okay so I got on Witty for the past 3 days and I've seen the same quotes by different people. Make up your own sh*t. It's not funny a million times!

Just sayin

Soo I've seen some quotes hating on Justin Bieber, I get it he's kind of gay......but come on, if a guy said any of the things Justin Bieber says in his songs to you admit it girls, you'd be the happiest person alive.

Just sayin.

And does it mean anything to you.....
     That I'm sitting in my comfy PJ pants, a sweatshirt, my
     hair up,no makeup on, and in my glasses....and all I want
     is you to be here holding me, keeping me warm.

Do I mean anything to you?

The HOTTEST guy I know just said I was sexy!
