
Joined: January 2, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 258683
Sup betches I'm *******. 14 years old on **** **. I don't care if you think I'm young cause I probably act 10x older than you;** I can be a bitch when I want but I'm actually really nice when you get to know me (: Yes, I've self harmed but only a couple times. The most recent was like last week. Whoops. Maybe it's because I have such a shitty life. I cry almost everyday because of my family, "friends" and just everyone that's a bitch to me! And I actually try to be happy but it's hard when people tell you no one likes you. Sorry that I'm not a slut and won't make out with you. Yep. That's how everything fucking started. I was too "prude" for one of the most popular guys in my grade so he started untrue rumors and now a lot of people don't like me. So yeah. That's my life! Single for over a year, never kissed a boy, and I'm not even in high school. Oh yeah! Go me! Whooooop. Talk to me I like people ;**