
Joined: March 22, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 285652
Hello my lovleys.

hey guys, this is my anyonomous vent account.
i dont want my friends seeing me like this..
i mean my life isn't THAT bad but i need some poeple to talk to about some things..
so if you willing to comment and help
that would be great.
Thanks darling, got any questions? ask. (:

Comments to justaventaccount01

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Zendaya_facts 1 decade ago
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hey! Follow me!! andd look at my page and fav! thanks!
KatieMathews98 1 decade ago
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Hello I hope that you are doing okay. If you want to talk feel free to comment on my page :)
zurcetak 1 decade ago
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you're so nice i'm following you!
jane :-)* 1 decade ago
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Aww! I know exactly how you feel. I was friends with this one girl, and she did the same exact things. legit. But you know what I did? I just stood up for myself and let her go. :) You should do the same! If she was really your friend, she wouldn't do those things to you. And once you let her go, I'm positive that there's other girls out there who would want to be friends with you.

ImEmmaLeeSee 1 decade ago
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If she says that just be like um no hun I grew up and you obviously don't know how to do that so have a nice life GOODBYE!
ImEmmaLeeSee 1 decade ago
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Aw I'm sorry! I would stand up to her. And tell her that if she didn't stop being a then I am finding a new friend! But if you don't want to be mean you could just tell her you don't like the way she is treating you(: That would probably be better than the first one. And after that if she doesn't change then find a new bestfriend(:
swimmer14072 1 decade ago
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ahh haha(: andlke you can still talk to her but like idk lolol(:
zurcetak 1 decade ago
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just try to make diff fiends that are not like that. that once happended to me but i started to surround myself with people i wanted to be around not people that are rude or jealous of you hope i gave gud advice
swimmer14072 1 decade ago
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Thats what happened to me! I live on a really small island and at first I confronted her and asked her what was going on and why she was being like that and she was still being really bratty about it so i was like whatever and I actually tried a couple new clubs and sports at my school and I made a lot more friends and me and that other girl just drifted away. and now shes the town so im really glad i got away from her when i did(:
ImEmmaLeeSee 1 decade ago
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Hey! I don't know you but if you need to talk I am here!(: