
Status: Kyle. Kyle. Kyle. HE'S SO SEXY!
Joined: April 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: May 20
user id: 165582
Gender: F


Hey, as you can see my name is Natalia. My profile was done by the one an only Kyle. My profile picture is my amazing boyfriend and I. An that's about it on my life.  As you can tell down below is Kyle, He is my best friend and I love him with all my heart, he's my big brother and if you hurt him or do anything to be mean to him I will hunt you down an give you a peice of my mind.
Best Brother in the world <3

Kyle hack. Again, Kyle remade another profile. Just letting everyone know. Natalia is my little sister. If you hurt her, I eat you. If you date her, I have to approve. Kyle, is her bestfriend and through everything if Natalia replaces Kyle, Kyle gets mad. Kyle cares about Natalia way too much. Kyle gets sad when Natalia isn't on. Kyle doesn't cry. Never.
>.>     <.<
Kyle, is a jerk and an Assbomb at times. (NEVER) Kyle Hates himself for it.
Kyle tries hard but fails all the time. (He does not fail ever)




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kylee_ericaa* 9 years ago
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Its just not the same anymore. Life that is... when did I ever go wrong? When did my life turn out to be like this? When did I start messing up...
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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**ed, dammmmint
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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that I ** you off.
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Look I know that a few months ago I was this off stupid boy and I'm sorry for that. I know that you were trying to make things right and I was being a dick. You know I hate hurting people and it really makes me mad at myself that I you off. It makes me mad that I neglected you and basically shot you down as a friend. I don't know if you'll see this or not but I just was to ask for your forgivness. I miss talking to you. I still think of you like family. I'm sorry love.

I know if you don't want to forgive me that's okay because I know I messed up like a lot but I'm really hoping that I will get to talk to you again.
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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They are good. Kayla is tired all the time and Ella won't stop talking -_-
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Yeah I'm pretty excited
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Everything is great. Kayla is due the early part of Novemember. The 7th I think. We don't know, the due dates are never on time :P Baby Annette is perrtty! I'll show pictures some time.

Baby Kayden is on his way!

School is going great for me too. I am in my 3rdq year since I have been taking classes durin g summer and I started takeing some my Senior year of high school.
I hope homecoming was fun!
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Sorry, It's not a big deal anyways. How are you and don't just tell me "okay." or "fine." I actually do want to know since I cannot come on to talk as ofter. Really I don't have much time anyways.
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Not sure how I am. I'll get back to you on that one. I'm stressed that's all
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Its okay so far. How are you?ASchool? Soccer? Life?
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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I won't be on much as you can tell. Sorry. I'm really busy lately.
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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I'm okay. I'm going tback to work tonight...
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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How are you?
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Yeah everything is okay. Sorry to worry you. I was just in the process of moving back home <3
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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iik fine now just really stupid sometimes. I hate life.
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Nothing. I don't think..... I hope I'm okay. do you know something I don't?!? :o
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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You got off... Did I screw up? Not again. I make everyone leave D:
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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I don't know either. The sky is spinning. Or is it falling. Oh crap, it's gonna hit me!!
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Hello dear! Penisssss wanna be apart of the pen15 club?!?!? HAHAHAHA. That's like hergrhdndbbddb years ago. I just did that is letters. Letters are not year. Balls of fire!!!