
Joined: April 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 296221
I'm Emily. Call me Em.
I like mustaches, Doofenshmirtz, creepy hairy old guys, mustaches, candy (mustaches), Relient K, your mom('s mustache), newspapers, CD's and Record players, a funky tune here and there, mustaches, assassins, Jesus, cleats, pot pies
soap, mustaches and short people.
I'm 16 going on 12.
4' 11"
i still wet the bed. dont judge.
i like my pizza without cheese, pepperoni and bread. thanks.
call me: 555-555-5555
i also have head lice and whooping cough. ;)
and one testicle.

also, Tennesseegirl (aka Selena) is the most epic ninja in the whole wide world and you should follow her....cuz she has a mustache....just kidding. but i do.

She lives in a fairytale
somewhere too far for us to find♥

Quotes by kalenian

If the silence takes you, then i hope it takes me too.
Someone once asked me why i never wear shorts...
My reply: "I work too damn hard on these legs to show them to just anyone!"
I've never broken bones with a stone or a stick but I'll conjure up a phrase that can cut to the quick .

 Relient K
I wonder what he's doing when I'm singing myself

to sleep

-FM static
What Matters
To You
Does Not
Matter To Me

-Relient K
Dont ask for permission, ask for Forgiveness
sometimes, when i dont understand a quote, i try

highliting it to see if thats where its all at...

anyone else?
Let me forget about today until tomorrow.

Bob Dylan
does anyone else.
 wave hi to their future self when they know theyre gonna be there later..and when they get there, wave to their past self whos waving to them..??
or is it just me?