
Joined: April 5, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 289556
Location: Probably being awesome somewhere
Gender: F

Quotes by kay5999

less than 3 hours into the new year and i already cried...
i hate this right with myself

 the one with my for food and not wanting to get fat
thank you so much
 i love you
why did i do that? 
i miss you
 but i can't....
my head hurts

 I'm lost
i don't know what to do or say anymore...
that did more bad than good/:
anyone ever get very bad stomach aches from too much stress? 
i do and i need some advice on how to make it go away. What medicine will help?

you don't even care....


I'm done annoying you . sorry i ever bothered
ugh so sick
my nose hurts
my head hurts
my throat hurts

i even slept until noon.. it didnt help...

My loudest cry

Is silent