
Joined: June 17, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 112567

Quotes by kennedyX3

I don't want the world to see me, 'cuz i don't think that they'd understand
when every things made to be broken, I just want you to know

who I am.

all-star cheerleading!
hardest thing you will ever do in your life!
but its sooo worth it when you're one of few freshman on varsity after a few years(;

thank you:

TOPGUN... you have inspired me!

dont have to
 wish  for there to be yet 
another one of you ,to laugh at
your jokes that don't make sense, to 
know exactly how you feel even when you're not
sure, to say exactly what you wanted to hear when you
 want to hear it, or to do stupid crazy things that you never really
bothered to think through. because you DO have another
one of you they might look different and sound
different but your best friend is not a
best friend they're a sister, and
sometimes a twin but
always there,

you just might fall, but you might also get back up.
you might as well try, if you want a chance.
you might want to keep going, if you've already gone.
and you should probably stop... never
sure there might be a
little prize when you think you're done
but honestly?... you never are. and thats when the bigger prize is won

pride... faith... trust... and accomplishment(: