
Joined: July 7, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 82089
Hey I'm Katie. I'm 16 and im far from perfect. I seem quiet to a lot of people but if you give me a chance you will learn im FAR from it. I live in a town with nothing but stuck up money flashing snobs. I hate it and want nothing more than to get out. I don't have a boyfriend and I don't care, im young and i dont need a guy to be happy. I have zero tolerance for whiny bitches. I may seem kinda mean or rude but im actually very nice once you get to know me, but living in a town where everyone judges and makes fun teaches you to stand up for yourself. I love rihanna, traveling, and i want very much to get into princeton :) but if im telling the truth the only thing i really want in the world is to live in Martha's Vineyard <3 it is my true home and everything i love and want is there <3 And lastly i just want to say thank you very much to iNCOMPLETE_xx for this awesome layout :)

Quotes by kiad95


Girl: Did it hurt?

Guy: Did what hurt?

Girl: When you fell out of the wh•re tree and banged every girl on the way down?


Remember girls nothing lasts forever,
not even your problems


I   a  good  but   not   an    angel.
I  do  sin,  but  I  am  not  the  devil
I am just a small girl in a big world
Trying  to finsomeont LOVE <3

~Marilyn Monroe



It's better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you're not
~Marilyn Monroe
She strikes a pose, but
dies inside ;;
---`> n o   o n e   e l s e   k n o w s   s h e ' s   a
Beautifu Suicide </3

I'm about to lose my mind 
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time

I need a doctor

not my format.

some pages were

T - U - R - N - E - D
some bridges burned
but in 2010 lessons were


---------- ----------

not my format**




*not my format 

You  m a d e  a   r e b e l   o f   a  c a r e l e s s  m a n s  c a r e f u l  d a u g h t e r
You are the best thing that's ever been mine. //♥

*not my edit