
Joined: December 4, 2011
Last Seen: 1 year
Birthday: November 19
user id: 246781
Gender: F

Hey Wittians
Kylie Marie ♥ 14 ♥ 9th grade

I'm Kylie and I love Ed Sheeran.

My favorite color is purple.

My favorite animal is an elephant.

I like One Direction.

My favorite author is John Green.

I love to sing.

I love tea.

I like wearing sweaters.

I love nutella.

I love The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

I like PLL, TVD, Secret Life, and 2 Broke Girls.

I love Birdy, Parachute, He is We, & Taylor Swift.

Favorite movies are Like Crazy, Water for Elephants, & The Last Song.

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Quotes by kmarie3

I don't get waves of missing you anymore


Settle down with me,

cover me up,

cuddle me in.


All I know is pouring rain.

I just really need your arms around me.

I'm so sad all the time
and I don't know why.


You are beautiful.
Please don've ever forget that.
Please Read! x

alright alright. can we just come to conclude that nobody is perfect? yes, some people have messed up lives, but does that mean you should make other lives miserable?? i just dont understand how that has to do with this? EVERYBODY HAS SOMETHING MESSED UP ABOUT THIER FAMILY BECAUSE NO ONE IS PERFECT!! why do people have to hate on each other?? where is this going to get you in life, seriously? cant we all just be reasonable? you know, when i first came to witty, EVERY SINGLE QUOTE was about EVERYONE BEING BEAUTIFUL and NOBODY CALLED SOMEONE ELSE A B**CH OR ANYTHING! thats the witty i once knew. idk why its changed. no one is a b**tch. everyone is someone special. and if you cant eppreciate that, than please, just dont get involved! is it really worth your time?!? and if you were bullied, and you called someone a b**tch and replied to this quote saying that its okay because you've been bullied, you're just a hypocrite. you are. so please knock it off and realize that everyone is beautiful, no matter what. please. this isnt what witty is about. its not.

^^^This is what I had to reply to someone's quote saying that she's tired of everyone saying "i'm a b**tch and you're a b**tch and i dont have a bf. i need to have one :(" all the comments were full of hatred. they said "my mom left me and i get bullied, so yeah i call other people b**tches." but honestly, thats just being a hypocrite. what have we become? no one is feeling welcome on witty anymore.. why? this website was the closest thing i had to feeling accepted and wanted. looking at comments calling other people names is just heartbreaking and sad because now, i feel frightened again. its as if im back at the beginning and theres no safe place. witty was my home. idk if it still is. not when people act like this. its not a home at all. its not a family.

i stay home
alone, listen
to music and
think too


dont forget
you're only human