
Joined: September 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 219029
I love music. Like, alot. Just saying that is a little bit of an understatement.  When I have a problem or I get hurt, I know which song will help heal the wounds. (Taylor Swift just always seems to have the song for me.  Shes my therapist).  I know this sounds cheesy, but music has always been there for me.
  I listen to a variety of music.  From Taylor Swift to Lil' Wayne to LMFAO. I play piano and have been on and off for about 5 years now.  I just started guitar and I love it. Its really great.
My name is Kaitlyn and I'm 15.  I'm a Gemini and my favorite color is blue. I love God, but I'm not that religious.  I have a great life and great friends and I'm a really lucky person.  I chase after dreams with broken legs. Which in my mind kinda means that I have dreams that I'm slowly reaching for. I'm really weird but who cares?
This is actually my third account.  I got this account because my two other ones were...childish. I haven't been on witty in awhile and decided to make a third one to really get serious and write what I want and feel.
I hope you like my quotes!! Follow me!!
(By the way, that 'other stuff' box to the right decided not to cooperate so thats why it's empty. I wanted to delete it but again, it decided not to cooperate.)

Quotes by kshuggs

i have a dream. ive had it almost all my life. 
its a million to one chance.
im terrified to chase it.
and its slowly killing me inside that i may never reach it.


When you shed a tear it doesn't mean you're weak. It means you've been strong for too long.

No matter how serious life gets,
you still gotta have that one person
you can be completely stupid with.

"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere."
-Tim McGraw


Please come back into my life.



You know what I want?
I want the boy I love to love me back.
I need relief from this gut wrenching pain.


I want to hate you.

But I've loved you for so long..

I just know it's not possible.

If you can dream it,you can do it.

-Walt Disney