
Joined: November 5, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 132186
Hey, I am Norah, I play soccer and lacrosse. i am great at both and i love both. I have been through a lot of things (drama, heart-break, ppl who do drugs and achohol, ppl who cut, depression, pretty much anything you can think of i know about it.) i try to life life to it's fullest. I am an optimist. I love music, it's practically my life. I don't cry. I love witty. I love animals and therefore i am a vegitarian. i love the beach whenever i can be on the ocean i am. my favorite thing in the whole world is watching the sunset on the ocean, it's the prettiest view i have ever seen. I have nothing agenst gay ppl even though i am completely strait. Being gay is not bad nor is it wrong. I do not think anyone should be acused for something they can not control. If you have something agenst gay ppl then you might as well not follo me at all. Feel free to follow me, make comments, or ask questions that you need answers to i will answer as fast as i can.

I like making people laugh so help me out and show no fear laugh to your fullest ability and be happy!
Smiles make everything better so give someone a smile and you can make their day... if you smile at them they might just smile back at you!! :)

Comments Made on lacr0553grrly's Quotes

M00M00 1 decade ago on quote #2061368
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This is soooo Me Lax hahah! <3
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musiqchiq6 1 decade ago on quote #2153228
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I loved stem lab with you guys...but we have to admit.....cp is waaayyyy better! LET GO! LAXITIVES! PENGUIN! and two . (:
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bones44 1 decade ago on quote #2049788
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Why do people post these it's twisted
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