
Joined: October 29, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 130882


hey as you can see im a beliber...btw this isnt my format.hehehe..FRANCESCA'S the name. i hope to soon become a actress.... comment on my page anytime kayy?? well im kinda dragging but im 12 turning 13 july youu<33
                           get to know me; )
like- JUSTIN BIEBER,music,selena gomez, taylor swift, friends, nice people, maybe you, movies and much more i cant think of at the moment
favorite song- well now its between taylor swift mean or never say say or or piture to burn and better than revenge!!

hate- B*tches, when people make fun of famous people (not only justin bieber), most people, dear john (ehh it was alright),peanuts, bugs and much more

dreams- to become a famous actress and live in the big city of hollywood

location- new york city<33

confession- i edited that whole picture i dont not have red hair or blue eyes i have brown hair and brow eyes.. i have been told their gorgeous

best quailty- eyelashes they are super long

friends on witty- loveforaday and LOVExLiVEx3
hit them uhpp

someting you may not know- YOUR BEAUTIFUL<3




Quotes by laughh

once apon a time,
a girl found a genie who granted her 3 wishes.
her first wish was be loved the genie said ok and poof love came to her.
when she asked why nothing happened the genie said because you have
friends and family that love you, the  best kind of love.
her next wish was to be rich the genie said ok and poof she was rich when the girl said wheres my money the genie replied being rich isnt always about money it can be about your friends and family too.
the last thing the girl wished for was to be beautiful the genie said ok and poof and this time when she said why am i not pretty the genie said, nothing hapened becasue you are beautiful and beauty is skin deep

i wish i could take it all back</3

Today, I was signing up for something online 
when I had to read the Terms of Service.
When it opened I clicked "ok" without even reading it.
message then popped up saying

"there is no way you could have read that so fast". 
It made my day.

[ I F  I  C A N ' T  H E A R  Y O U R  H E A R T  B EA T  T H E N ] 
y o u ' re  t o f a awa y
SheWe arsHigh Heels
[I Wear Sxnxexaxkxexrxs]
She'sC heerCapt ain
[& I'm On The Bxlxexaxcxhxexrxs]
*Dreaming About The Day When You Wake Up And Find That*
                       What You're Looking For Has Been Here 
                             The Whole Time

that you ( love) me unless
you really mean it. or i _ x
might do a crazy little thing
like actually (b
el ie ve) it.


that calls youbeautifulinstead of hot
who calls you back when you hang_
up on him ;; who wants to show you
off in front of all his
friendswhen you
are in your sweats, who holds your

hand in front of his friends... &+ wait
for the one thats always
`you how much he cares about you
even though everyone can [
    [not mine]

that no matter what they do to you..:::©:..
or no matter what they say to you..::©::..
or even how much they hurt you ;;..::©::..
you just can’t seem to let them go...::©::..


You May Not Know It But
every | time| I | see |your | face
My Heart Smiles