
Joined: July 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 191798

Always online(:
Status: Online/Offline
 Hiiii(: I'm Lauren-Ann, but call me Lauren or Ann. Whatever fits yo' fancy. I love music, a loooot. I mostly like rock, rap's too.... It's getting more fucky and nasty. I mean, fo real. It's all about sex and drugs now..  I like rock. Seether and Inside The Fire, Breaking Benjamin, Rise Agasint, and many more. R&B isn't my thing, but I'll listen to it (: I like Lights and Starry Eyed both by Ellie Goulding. She's perf. :)))

 Anyways, I'm pretty young. I'm an even number years old. I'm teenaged. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I don't like putting pictures of me on the internet, it's just a bunch of creepers and stuff.
Okay, again, moving on.
 I am a bubbly person. I don't really care about depression... It doesn't bother me. It just kills me when people are depressed.
I'm a HUGE help. Suicide? I'm here. Bisexual or lesbain/gay? I'm here. BUT, I think sex is getting outta control. Getting raped is different, but having sex at fucking 14 isn't attractive, slut. If you do that you're a fucking SLUT. A hore. Oh my god, I hate that. Even though sometimes I'm very tempted to have sex, I CONTROL IT. Slut bitch hore porn star raping bastards.  I HOPE YOU AREN'T OFFENDED. I'M JUST EXPRESSING MAH SELF.