
Joined: June 18, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 79935
i <<<<<<<<33333333 my chemical romance.

Quotes by lexiskelox17


The legend of Old Greg.... an episode of The Mighty Boosh. comment if u hav seen it b4


Cell Phone Type:idk

Cell Phone Color:red

Crush:classified information :]

Single or Taken: single

Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Band: Job For A Cowboy

Favorite Song:Knee Deep

Style:Goth and emo

Best Friends:Erika, Ella, Michaela, jordan

Favorite Store: Hot Topic

Hobbies: Skateboarding

Favorite T.V. shows: Family Guy, G.H.I., Law And Order

Favorite Movies: Sweeney Todd, Nightmare Before X-Mas, It, Haunting In Connecticut

Favorite Actor/Actress: JOHNNY DEPP!!!!!!

Your Name- alexa
Nicknames-lexie, alexa may, lex
Birthday- august 15

~*HAVE YOU??*~
Been kissed? nah
Eaten an entire box of Oreos? yup
Been on stage? yes
Gotten in a car accident? yep
Death Valley on horseback? no
Stayed home? yea
Made homemade fudge? naw

Shampoo: aussie
Soap: irish spring
Color: black
Day: friday
Night: every
Band: my chemical romance and panic at the disco
Season: fall and summer
Commercial: edward cullen volvo commercial

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yup boyfriend.
Do you have a crush on someone: hmm yeah(:
Do you have a best friend? yessum
Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorite friends? naw
Who’s your funniest friend? mia
Who do you go to the mall with the most? mia
Who do you e-mail the most? psh, everyone
Who have you known the longest of your friends? erika
Who’s the loudest? collen
Who’s the shyest? sarah
Whose parents do you know the best? erika's
Who do you go to for advice? mia
Who knows all your secrets? mia
Who do you get the most surveys from? idk
Who are you jealous of? no one.
Who do you cry with? no one
What is your usual quote? i <3 bacon

Cried? yup
Eaten fluff? no
Helped someone? yeah
Bought something? no
Dissected something? no?
Cut your hair? nah
Worn a skirt? no
Worn a tie? no
Been mean? maybe....lol
Been sarcastic? no really?
Gone for a run? no
Gone for a walk? ya
Gone to the movies? yup
Gone out for dinner? no
Been kissed? no
Felt stupid? ha, yeah
Said “I love you”? haha yeah
Written a letter? no
Written a paper? yupper
Taken a test?  yes
Met someone new? i dont think so
Moved on? already.
Written in a journal? no
Watched your favorite movie? yess! lol i <3 sweeney todd
Talked to someone you have a crush on?  no
Given someone a present? no
Missed someone? yes
Hugged someone? yup
Had a nightmare? not that i can remember
Fought with your parents? ugh, ya
Fought with a friend? no
Been Scared? no

Showered? last night
Ate a meal? like 10 minutes ago
What are you wearing right now? vampire t-shirt and black skinny jeans
Are you tired? i little
Are you lonely? yep
Are you happy? eh, yah
Are you wearing pajamas? naw
Are you hungry? no
Are you eating? nope
Are you talking to someone online? nah
Are you ready for this survey to end? idc
How long did this survey take you?idk.
*Do you want all your friends to do this and send back? idc

Type of sandwich: chocolate syrup
Coffee or hot chocolate? COFFEE :] 
Cold or hot? hott
Lace or satin? satin 
Red or blue? red
New or old? Dependss.
Here or there? Dependss.
boys or girls? girls for bestfriends, boys for relationships(:

Team Edward because Jacob doesn't sparkle..... haha :]

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
STD's contagious so watch who you screw! haha :]

That's what she said.....

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
Screw World Peace........... I want a pony

Even Heaven is Hell without you....
Our friendship is tighter than the jobro's pants