
Joined: September 11, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 124588

Falling In Love...
It's Such An Easy Thing To Do

Quotes by lilmadz27

Truth is,
I'm not the prettiest girl out there. I get tired and cranky. I get mad at myself for messing up. I might not fit in 00 jeans. I kiss boys and have fun. I break rules. I don't get straight A's. I cry over silly things. I hangout with my friends more than my family. And maybe I don't have perfect skin or stick straight hair,
 But at the end of the day,
I know I am Beautiful in my own special way and so is everyone else. <3

Don't go searching for love. Let love find you.
And Today...
I finally admitted I miss you </3
I wonder if people make up sob stories just to get a top quote

Why Haven't I Found My Prince Charming?


So What?
I'm not perfect. My makeup sometimes smudges. My hair doesn't always fall right. I like to wear sweatpants. I get mad. I don't get the best grades. I screw up. I eat a lot. I'm weird sometimes. But why do I get judged? So What does it matter to anyone else? It still remains a mistery. </3

I remember the way we laughed
And though I wasn't the first you said I'd be the last
Now you're someone else, and maybe that's why I can't find myself


Everyone hopes and dreams to one day get a top quote...
Justin Bieber Taught Me To
Never Say Never


Those Saturday Nights....
When you just sit on witty  <3