
Status: I was eating Ruffles, and then BAM! I fall off my bed.
Joined: November 18, 2011
Last Seen: 4 years
Birthday: November 30
user id: 240137
Location: Somewhere in Ontario
Gender: F



STATUS:Dreaming of a place thats 3000 miles away
I'm Lina. Fourteen, freshman in high school.
I'm a hopeless romantic with a love for writing.
I barely use witty anymore, but if you wanna read my writing, check out
my wattpad.

Twitter: Leenzxo

Youtube: Linaaxxo

Wattpad: Lsbae99

Tumblr: C1ty-0f-Li3s

Instagram: Leenzxo


Quotes by linabinabae

Last night I told my crush I liked him.
He said that if we got to know each other,
maybe we could start dating.
And I said that we should be friends for the time being

I don't know if it was the right choice.
Hey guys, long time no see! I just started a story on Wattpad, and I dont know what to name it. Hopefully you can help?

Heres the Plotline

It's February 1st, and Madison Dillon has just been dumped. Her social status went down in a matter of 24 hours, and now she's receiving secret admirer notes?
Whoever this mystery person is, he sure knows how to get to Madisons heart. The only problem is, that Valentines day is in 2 weeks, and Madison doesnt know who this person is.
Her ex is now taunting her with his new slutty girlfriend, and Madison doesnt know what to do. If only she knew who the secret admirer was
A story where new loves are found, regrets are made, and friends get torn apart. What's the best that could happen?

my wattpad link is on my profile!


Do you know what it's like?
to work so hard for something,
and for it to be ripped away
in just mere

It's free
Quotes from Elf

Gimbel: *Announces Santa's coming*
you should get a life, i hear they sell cheap ones on eBay!
i think they have some at the dollar store too...
or is that too high end for you? ♥

Can    y ou    Get      i n    front    of     my    car?
I wanna test out the brakes

It's almost that time again,
Santa calls us all

Dear Mr. Swagger,

Either walk faster or get a belt.

From; all girls.


format by sandrasaurus           nmq

The deal with my friends&&Facebook

Me: *Posts normal status; 2 likes*
Me: *Posts truth is, lgw, or rate; 20 likes*