
Joined: October 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 225712
life goes on! 

hey my names nicole anne, im 15 years young, and have the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever have!
i made this account because i need to vent and this is the only way i am able to vent without people in 
school finding out. so i guess im here, cause my life needs some fixing and i need some advice!
im great with giving advice, i help all the time
i am a thoughtful dirtblonde(: and dont call me a slut please, i get it at least 10 times a day.../: and i hate 
to say it i know i am..
well my bestfriend is jordyn.<3
mess with her and we will have to take a walk and have an ambulance ready(:
i am very sporty, i play soccer, basketball,lacross, and feild hockey plus i do dance and cheerleading.
im very athletic and energtic!
 i LOVE being out side!
oh yeah by the way im from new jersey(: 
i have 2 brothers and a sister, my younger brother has a twin which would be my sister.
and then of course the annoying older brother. 
we live with my mom. go to my dads house in philly every other weekend.
well thats just a little bit about me. 
dont forget no matter what LIFE getts better!

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