
Joined: December 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 249505

Quotes by livelaughlove1111

Whenever I seem to be having a good day, everyone else is having a bad day.

Whenever everyone else is having a good day, I seem to be having a bad one

{What is this?!}
God gave the hardest battles to his
s t r o n g e s t
|| Just always remember that he would never give you a battle he knows you will never get through. Stay Strong. ||

I'm just trying to find some color in this black and white world.

Everyone has atleast ONE song that describes their life.

Comment yours(:
& I just dont know what to do anymore...

Never, in my whole life, would I have thought Id be at this position.

at rockbottom.

That awkward moment when

You REAALLYY hate someone,

And they find out..

Then all of a sudden

You feel REAALLYY bad,

And dont hate them anymore...

You know what I just nocited? I wished for 3 things on 11:11 on 11/11/11...

All 3 of them came true... I guess there still is hope(:

I wished for him to ask me to dance
I wished for him to ask me out
and I wished all this drama would end...<3

fave if you think there is still something left in this society


Its like you screaming, and no one can hear,
you almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important,
and that without them you feel like nothing,
no one will ever understand how much it hurts,
you feel hopeless, like no one can save you,
And when its over and when its gone,
you almost wish that you could have all of that bad stuff back,
so you could have the good.

Its hard to forget someone
who gave you so much to remember