
Joined: December 12, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 139339

Quotes by livelaughlover

We are more then a bunch of girls playing on the field
it's more then just playing a team and
it's more then just sitting in the dugout singing
We tell each other everything not because we are friends, or we trust each other. But because we are a family of
softball players. The only time we fight with our boyfriends is when they say softball is easy. We would rather practice then go to a formal dance. We drink Gatorade instead of water. We wear T-shirts instead or Hollister, Abrecrombie, American eagle shirts. We would rather fund raise together then go to a party. we would rather be with our family then anything else.

bat girl/boy- pet

pitcher and catcher- twins

outfielders- sisters

infielders- quadruplets

captains- the oldest sisters 

coaches- parents 

fans- best friends