
Joined: December 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 246468
So, I joined Witty on December 3rd of Twenty-Eleven;
Let me introduce myself, I'm all smiles; (:
This girls name is Taylor & I am ONE of a KIND; <3
Don't believe me? Well, cough.. now that my lungs are un-congested
lets get started.
To begin this, I am myself, I love sports, chilling with my family & friends.
Don't stop reading after this, but school is awesome. I believe that if you want to get somewhere
in life then you have to do your part.. right? right!!
So, taking part in my lives adventures; I must go to school to get an education.
I am a straight a student, and wouldn't change it for anything!
~ I'll never drop my witty because I never get grounded for grades, (they are always above a 93.5- in my school system that's a B!- then I'd be grounded)
I don't have a Facebook or a twitter.. I know, lame!!
I play soccer, basketball, volleyball. I swim, cheer, dance, and sing. And in my spare time (there isn't a lot of it) but i participate the school sports teams, cross country, yearbook staff and I am currently in FBLA and FCS!!
GOD is my WORLD, without Him I'd be NOTHING!!!
*If you are just on my witty to state things about GOD not being REAL.. then get OFF my WITTY!!!
*If you are here to start drama, bully others or myself... get OFF my WITTY!!!
~thank you; (:

Comments Made on livelikeag's Quotes

facebooklover 1 decade ago on quote #5053110
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perfect boyfriend ♥

•Give her your hoodie, even if you go to different schools. •Give her a big t-shirt of yours to sleep in. •Leave her cute messages. ... •Kiss her infront of all your friends. •Tell her she looks beautiful. •Look her in the eye when you talk to her. •Let her mess with your hair. •Just walk around with her. •Forgive her mistakes.!!!!!! •Hold her hand when you're around your .........frie...nds AND in private. •Let her fall asleep in your arms. •Stay up all night with her when she's sick. •Watch her favorite movie with her. •Come up and grab her by the waist. Remember this: •Don't talk about other girls around her.! :\•When she's sad, hang out with her. •When you fall in love with her, tell her.♥ •And when you tell her, love her like you've never loved anyone before.♥ Guys re post as "I'd do this for her"

Girls re post as "Perfect Boyfriend" If you don't re-post this in 4 minutes, you will lose the one you love. If you re-post this in 4 minutes, the one you like/love will: Call you ♥ Text you ! Message you :)
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livelikeag 1 decade ago on quote #4554465
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Iammufassa- email me girl, i'd love to help!!
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iammufassa 1 decade ago on quote #4554465
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id love to do what your doing... but im kind of in the same situation as them , kind of the one needing the help ://
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livelikeag 1 decade ago on quote #4554465
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Iammufasssa- be a leader, step up and take that plate; be like me. inspire others! Thanks girl, these girls are wonderful.. and the girls at your school could be as wonderful. I honestly thought nothing about them.. had never talked to them before. I was in shock they came to me about it. Look where they are now... imagine where they will be on Christmas!!
Easyridinsmooth- Thanks, God Bless You Too!!! Gotta get the word out there!! :)
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iammufassa 1 decade ago on quote #4554465
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what your doing is really nice (: wish i had someone like you at my school!
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easyridinsmooth_ 1 decade ago on quote #4554465
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