
Joined: December 28, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 256670


Hi! I'm Julia. I'm 16 years old & i'm from a town in New York.
      I like music more than people. (Of Mice & Men <3) Feel free to talk to
me, I'm here for you! I also like making new friends! I follow back on
here & on Tumblr. Stay strong!     

Comments to liveloveparty

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Moni_And_Echo 1 decade ago
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Oh em gee, you're pretty
Hi, sorry to bother you again, but the list goes alphabetically. Well you may or may not know, but both Echo and I have left this account to make separate ones. I made mine today. Well, you're one of our followers, so if you'd like to follow us, we're EchoMarie, and September.
Thank you, lovely!
And everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. Alright?
Julia2011 1 decade ago
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you should never feel worthless hunn, youre not. youre perfect in your own way, dont let those flaws take you over, dont let other peoples action bring you down, stay positive, stay strong.
Julia2011 1 decade ago
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awh, im sorry to hear,why have you been depressed lately? you dont have to say, i just want to help you as much as possible, i've been depressed before too, yeah i cut myself, but i know its really hard, but you have to find the better things in life, the things that make you happy. Is there anyone special in your life? it may sound silly but, Have you ever heard of the Butterfly Project? well if you ever feel like cutting, draw a butterfly on your wrist, draw it anyway you want, big, small, pretty, anyway, and if you cut yourself, you kill all the butterflies on your wrist, you also have to let them fade away naturally, you cant scrub them off. Give it a try. i can see your upset that shes gets more attention, but shes seeking it, and if you dont want people to know, it just means youve been through worse stuff than those who are seeking attention, you dont have to take my advice on this one, but maybe you shouldnt be friend with her, im really sorry i said that. it just seems like is making you feel bad about yourself bc shes getting all the attention when all your doing is seeking help and someone to talk to, btw im always here if you need to vent, anytime.
Julia2011 1 decade ago
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yes you can vent darling, im here for you to talk to.
Fake_a_smile 1 decade ago
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Thanks :)
I'm sorry about your parents too..
vintagekissesx 1 decade ago
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Well, me and my friend were really close. There was this guy, and everyday I told her how much I liked him. The other night at the football game, she was supposed to help me hook up with him, but instead she flirted with him the whole night, and now they have a thing. Pathetic how I lost a friend due to a boy... \:
vintagekissesx 1 decade ago
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I just read your comment on my quote, and I'm in a fight with my best friend too! That's the whole reason I made the quote.
Kizzie29 1 decade ago
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I know, its so depressing! I loved summer. School's a waste of my time.
Moni_And_Echo 1 decade ago
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Aww, thank you! And I mean it. :)
Kiss_love_allover 1 decade ago
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Sorry i dint mean to flip on you. i was just so off . i took my anger out on you.. im sorry , lol . is there anything i can do to make up for it.
Kizzie29 1 decade ago
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Okay, well remember I'm always here :) Yeah, I guess so. Just normal old me, never changes really :P How's your night going? (if it is night over there 0.o)
Kizzie29 1 decade ago
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Is everything ok right now? x
SamiLynn 1 decade ago
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Nice moustache button ;)
SamiLynn 1 decade ago
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Julia <3
Moni_And_Echo 1 decade ago
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I know you probably won't believe me, but you really are pretty. Please please please believe me. You deserve to be happy like everyone else does. I understand your thoughts, and if you ever need to talk, I'm always here and will respond asap, I promise. Stay Strong. xoxo
JustAnotherWittyStory 1 decade ago
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Hi, sorry everyone for not writing in awhile! I've been really busy! but I'm still going to try to continue! Chapter 8 is up in "Save me from myself" thanks again for reading! stay beautiful!
AlyssaBreanne* 1 decade ago
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OMG NO WAY!! Lol what a coincidence! Ugh well I've heard excersice, sleep, water, healthy eating and persistence is what I will need but it's soooo hard!!!
_g0ldenkiid* 1 decade ago
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No problem ! :)
lisalacrosse97 1 decade ago
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anytime girl! and thanks ((:
NotOfThisWorld 1 decade ago
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You are not ugly(: You're so beautiful ♥