
Joined: December 11, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 249380
HEY THERE STRANGER! My name is Melissa and my favorite color is purple. That is all. Have a nice day. P.S. Follow. I follow back.

Quotes by lovehate123

Get Ready to Change the World 

"Normal is a word made to

corrupt society."
I am creative.
I am imaginitive.
I am strong.
I am independent.
Becareful of your thoughts
thoughts become actions
Becareful of your actions
actions become habits.
 Becareful of your habits
habits form your lifestyle
I try, and most of the time I fail.
But hey, that's just me
and I'll be who I wanna be. 
Originality is everything, just be Yourself :)
*gets butterscotch lollipop in history*

annoying kid who sits next to me: Oh I see you like butterscotch lollipops
me: no i just like it cause its pretty
everone else: *laughing*

True Story
Dear boy who asked me out and then never talked to me,

...Why's you ask me out in the first place?

                        I'm gonna break up with you, sorry.

Why do I let other people change who I am?

Because I don't know who I am. 

He's Not Mine.

But every time I see him flirting with other girls and finding out everything he says to me he says to 10 other girls... a little piece of me dies inside only to awaken when i remember