
Joined: October 15, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 91319
Heey, Heeey, Heeeeey! :D
hey everyone. my name's Macaela, and
im pretty simplee. I'm easy to get along w/
and is super silly. :P i love writing quotes
that my friends and family say.
so, yeahhh.
so, what's your name.? :)

Quotes by macaelaaa

just sitting here in Computers, bored as ever.
-im JUST jookinn' (inside)
I'm like Nevada in the middle of the Summa;
i'm restin' in the league, i need a pillow and a co
-Lil Wayneee.

Mature Eyes Only."   
Okay when you read this.................
really think about it and what it means. Thanks!

Why do we sleep in church,
but when the ceremony is over we suddenly wake up?
Why is it so hard to talk about God,
but so easy to gossip
Why are we so bored when we look at a Christian magazine,
but find it easy to read Playboy?
Why is it so easy to ignore a Godly myspace message,
Yet we repost the nasty ones?
Why are churches getting smaller,
But bars and clubs are growing?
Think about it, are you going to repost this?
Are you going to ignore it, cause you think you'll get laughed at?
Just remember God is always watching you.

The Lord said: "If you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of my father".

    Repost this as "Mature Eyes Only."

        90% of you won't repost this



(i copied this; credit is not minee..)

Don't You Hate It When...
someone tells you they love you,
and you say "i love you, too."
and they say, "how much?"

uhmm, obviously enough to say it back!

or after you say, "i love you, too",
they say, "no you don't."

look, just take they "i love you", and let it go, kaay.?

(lol, i do that to my boyfriend alla the time, and i just realized how annoying it must beee.)

A girl walks up to the boy that she's in absolute love with.

girl-"do you like me? i must know, it's been killing me."

boy-"no, i dont like you."

girl-"oh, okay." a cold tear started running down her face as she walked away.

he then grabbed her by her arm, leaned in, and kissed her.

he then replies..

boy-"i dont like you, i love you. everyday i see you, my heart flutters and i cant help myself from smiling. when i go to sleep at night, im thinking of you. when i wake up in the morning, i think of you, and all of the seconds in between i am thinking of you. i wanted to tell you soo bad how i feel, but i didnt know if you felt the same way."


girl-"then, why do you go out with soo many girls"

boy-"why? its because i thought you'd never love me, and i thought i would mever get a chance with you. i thought that if i dated a lot of girls, i could find someone that acted like you, or talked like you, or looked like you. that was a huge mistake of mine. you see, i cant find anyone else like you, you are one of a kind, you are the only person i have ever fallen in love with. yes, i have told a lot of girls i've loved them, but i have never fallen in love with them. you, wow, you are the definition of love. you are the reason that i wake up, and the reason that i go to sleep.

girl-"i make you go to sleep..?"

boy-giggles "yes, you make me wanna go to sleep every night for one reason: 1) i hope to have a dream about you, because dreams are the only things that keeps us together. i wish i had you"

girl-she sheds a tear and she kisses him. "you already have me..."

all mineee; don't jock. :)




Jordan-Uhmm, Mrs. C, my pencil wont go into the pencil sharpener.
Mrs. C-Okay, you gotta really push it in there, and when it's in the right spot, play with it for a while until you know it's good and ready.

Me- (thatswhatshesaidd.)

haha, the funniest "thats what she said" moment to ever happen to me.

Oh, how i wish i was Justin Beiber's
"One Less Lonely Girl"
you told me you loved me.
you told me forever and ever.
you said you'd stay with me for eternity.
you said there was noone else like me.
you said i was the princess to your fairytale.
you said you would never stop loving me.
you said no other girl could compare to the level that i'm on.

you said it was over..
now, what am i supposed to do.?
i cant not thinking about you, and all
of the times we spent.
i trusted you.
i told you things i've never told any other guy.
like "i love you",
and actually mean it.
and "we'll be together forever".
i let my guard down for you, and i thought
you did the same.
i guess not..
and now, not only do i have my guard back up,
i have a thick, tall, brick wall.
and no guy like you will tear it down.
(im not in this situation,
my friend, however, is.
so i guess im venting for herr.)
The Conversation I Had Last Night. :)

her-oh my freakin goshhhh!
me-what.? what.? what happened.?!
her-my freakin' cat, it just jumped out of my window!
me-omg! which window did it jump out of.??
her-my bedroom window..
me-omg, isnt that on the..
her-second floor.? yes, yes it is.
me-is your cat okay?!
her-hold on, lemme check..

*ten seconds later*

her-awee yeah, she's fine. she's just laying there for some reason.


me-uhmm, correct me if im wrong, but i think your cat is hurt..

*she sticks her head out of the window*

her-*yelling at her cat* its okay baby girl! just get up, shaake it off, okay.? you good.? whaa...? you goo..? oh, okay..

her-okay, she's good.

(it was hilaaaarious! :)
I see you in the hallway every single day.
I stare in amazement everytime you walk by.
I talk about you like you put the stars in the sky.
And you put the moon in its place.
I wonder what you're doing,
then I wonder if you're wondering what i'm doing, too.
Every love song I listen to on the radio, I think of you.
Every time I hear your name, it's like the butterflies in my
stomach multiply.
I write my first name and your last name together, just to see how
it would look.
When I think of you, I smile.
When I think of you, I frown.

The sad thing is that..
you dont even know I exist..