
Status: What didn't kill me never made me stronger at all.
Joined: November 25, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 242878
Location: Hogwarts
Gender: F
hello lovlies!
I'm Mackenzie. I'm a competitive dancer. In fact, I'm Teen Miss Star of Hope for Starbound National Talent Competition. I'm also a singer and an actress. I'm into Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, One Direction, and 5 Seconds of Summer.

Whenever I post a quote, it's not just because I can. My quotes mean a lot to me, even if they are just lyrics sometimes. In that case, the lyrics mean a lot to me.

Instagram: @macjohnson8
Kik: @macjohnson8
Cell Phone: 973-567-5201
Snapchat: @macjohnson13

Comments to macjohnson8

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Vinita* 1 decade ago
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Follow for a follow?
Picturesque Wonderland.* 1 decade ago
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Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran and One Direction though.
Travis Allred* 1 decade ago
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thanks for fave c:
jessicabliss 1 decade ago
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Oh my god
You're stunning!
macjohnson8 1 decade ago
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omg thanks so much i love you
its_hannah_here11 1 decade ago
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You got Macel's best friend :)
macjohnson8 1 decade ago
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yay thanks! sorry i haven't replied, i'm quite busy with dance haha(:
letmeholdyourhand 1 decade ago
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Smile, you're beautiful.

Whatever you're going through, whatever struggles you're facing, face them with PRIDE, with CONFIDENCE. Because someday, you are going to look back to these days and proudly say "I survived that." And you will. You definitely will. You know you will, I know you will and no matter what happens, YOU WILL SURVIVE. You know why? Because YOU ARE STRONG. Don't believe me? Well, who's the one that's lived up till now? Who's the one that smiles, despite their pain? Who's the one that has the ability to feel emotions and hasn't shut them out even after going through so much? Who's the one that's going to extreme measures just to live? Who's the one that helps others, despite the fact that you desperately need help yourself? Who's the one that got out of bed this morning? Who's the one that is sitting or lying down, reading this right now instead of dying? That's right, it's none other than YOU. You, my darling, are a strong person. You will get through this, and it will someday be just a nostalgic memory. Don't you dare let yourself think otherwise, because if you do, you're lying to yourself. Iloveyou <3

You are a piece of treasure. A priceless, valuable piece of treasure. You are of VALUE. Value yourself, because something valuable should be nothing but valued. Love yourself, because something as beautiful as you should be cared for and forgiven every day, every night.

Smile, you're beautiful <3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxoxo
sugarfreak 1 decade ago
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Awh, I'm sorry c:
ChocoTaco 1 decade ago
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Omg i love your quotes and you are just so pretty <33
And I like ed sheeran and one direction too!!
macjohnson8 1 decade ago
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thank you so much!(:
ChocoTaco 1 decade ago
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Anytime <33
rememberyourbeautiful 1 decade ago
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Your Just Imagine is readyyyy yayayayayay
HannahLovesYou123 1 decade ago
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Nice scorpion!
macjohnson8 1 decade ago
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Why thank you.(:
kiwi* 1 decade ago
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Heyyyyyy, gorgeous.
So, you say, you don't love Justin Bieber?
lalalala... I have to go in one minute and I'm not done with these paragraph things and the following things and... yeah.
So um, do you like rain?
I love it. <3
Do you like... um.. honey?
Yeah, I like it. lol.
Anyway, you are beautiful. <3
If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you. You can always come to me.
Face away from the shadow and you'll always see light.<3
sugarfreak 1 decade ago
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Hello gorgeous, how are you on this fine day?
I swear, the sky is bi-polar, this morning it was ridiculously hot!
The day I decide to go for a run, it starts to rain and I'm just like 'RUN FASTER, MARIA'. I didn't get wet, thankfully.
Oh... the dirtiness in that sentence ;)
Chapter 18 is up & I really hope you like it, you can go and see if I killed Jesse or not. Hah! You already know the answer to that...
Sooo... I think I like a b o y & I'm just like.... D: I need someones like opinion, so pretty please with a cherry on the top comment on my profile & comment what you think of the chapter, if you think it's crappy, say so!
Xx Maria :*
sugarfreak 1 decade ago
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She's so pathetic. Let me tell you something about Janis Ian. We were best friends in middle school. I know, right? It's so embarrassing. I don't even... Whatever. So then in eighth grade, I started going out with my first boyfriend Kyle who was totally gorgeous but then he moved to Indiana, and Janis was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like, if I would blow her off to hang out with Kyle, she'd be like, "Why didn't you call me back?" And I'd be like, "Why are you so obsessed with me?" So then, for my birthday party, which was an all-girls pool party, I was like, "Janis, I can't invite you, because I think you're lesbian." I mean I couldn't have a lesbian at my party. There were gonna be girls there in their bathing suits. I mean, right? She was a LESBIAN. So then her mom called my mom and started yelling at her, it was so retarded. And then she dropped out of school because no one would talk to her, and she came back in the fall for high school, all of her hair was cut off and she was totally weird, and now I guess she's on crack.
So, I thought that was very appropriate because I'm . Nope, still not appropriate but I swear, you can trust n o b o d y anymore. I feel like everybody hates me && a few days ago, I heard a few girls talking about me. The girls who are supposed to be some close friends. RAWR. Guess not.
I needed to get that out, excuse my rant hehehhehee
I think just about every body does. You know it came out in 2004...
BEWARE OF THE PLASTICS, Y'ALL! Tomorrow, at school, I'm having a pink-mufti day. I wish it was Wednesday, not Friday... that would be EPIC.
Okey dokey, a new chapter is up -- or maybe it isn't ;) You never know, you might go to my profile and be like -.- because you went there & I hadn't actually uploaded.
lilbit3 1 decade ago
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haha no it was just that there was a guy in my old school named mac so yeah :)
lilbit3 1 decade ago
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I thought you were a guy lol
macjohnson8 1 decade ago
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Ahahaha maybe I should change my picture I was like 10 in it
grownsimba 1 decade ago
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i read your name as magicjohnson lol.
&& i was already following you.
how are you?
macjohnson8 1 decade ago
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Ahahaha.(: I'm fine. Sorry I haven't replied, I don't go on witty too much, because I have a busy schedule with dance. How are you?
Eme101 1 decade ago
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ha ha yeah. i know she aint a model. just thought that it would be funny. this girl commented on the quote and she was lk all tacky bout it. jeez she took itWAY to seriously lol
StarlitCove 1 decade ago
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DreamScribbler 1 decade ago
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I know!! My brothers 16 year old friend didn't believe me that I was only 12.. Then people on witty hear I'm 12 and one girl was like GO PLAY WITH YOUR BARBIES. haha it's so stuuupid!