
Status: So, there's this guy...
Joined: December 27, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: January 4
user id: 256018
Gender: F
let's just say that I know how to save the world.

Quotes by maddilovesstar

Goodbye drama,

Goodbye class,

Goodbye rude teachers,

Middle school, you can kiss my-
Everything looks

perfect from far

Sometimes, I stop and think-

What would

Beyonce do?
crush: look i got a giant jawbreaker

me: ew sugar isn't good for you

crush: well im sweet but im still good for you

me: good one
Will you still love

me when I'm no

longer young and

We're the girls who

care more about

music rather than

Boys like it
When you're playfully mean to them. Punching them on the arm, making fun of them,  brutally murdering their families.
...and when you call me



                                                                                                 it makes my day. <3
"You should know that your words actually hurt."