
Joined: June 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 185478

   aubre june 13 1995-february 14 2011
You were under everyones wing for so long... now you have your own...Fly high aubre...Fly highhh...!!! Aub's, Everyones ray of sunshinee, whos light just happened to dim to soon.. You will be forever thought about...Talked about.. And missed. Its just hard to belive its been so long since i saw you last. It seems like just yesterday i was at your house with you and your crazy orange hat (: You went way to fast Hunny we will all miss you so much. You are an amazing girl that was brought into this world for all the right reasons… Everyone loved you, And still does your missed so much here… Even though your gone you will never be forgotten!! You had so many great friends that will never let any of there memories with you be forgotten. I know that for myself ill never forget those silly memories with you. Your amazing in everyway we all love you coll always and forever buddy!! ):This isnt a goodbye this is a see ya laterr..      

Quote Comments by madisonlovestristan